You don’t get grades
For real life…
Someone once said.
It’s not about getting an A
Or even an E for effort.
In real life you just get…
Whatever happens.
And sometimes that means
Something fun,
Or new,
Or exciting.
But usually it just means
Another day passes
And the dreams are
Still there waiting to
Be realized.
But a lot of times
Life is just the day in and out
Of dishes and laundry
And cat boxes
And doctor appointments.
Of no milk in the morning
Because we forgot to get it.
Or the flat tire
At exactly the wrong moment.
Sometimes I feel like
My eyes open and close and
Nothing changed.
I mean nothing substantive.
Like winning an Oscar
Or the lottery
Or vacation for two in Hawaii.
Everyone else on
Every digital device known to man
Lives a more exciting life than me.
At least that is what they want
Me to believe.
Everyone smiling.
The kids in cute, clean clothes.
Designer houses and designer gardens.
We don’t see the tantrums,
The dust bunnies,
The broken lawn mowers,
And washing machines.
The underpinnings of life
Never make it to the
Meta world
Whatever that is.
If I sit very still
For a moment
I can hear the birds.
Smell the jasmine,
Feel my heart beating.
And I know that my life,
This life of cats, and confusion,
Fast food, and clutter.
Dreams and disorganization.
This life, my life
Is all mine.
I made these choices To love the cats
And buy the stuff,
And dream the dreams.
My dreams.
And I feel my heart beating
And hear the birds sing
And the pulse of all that is
Around me
Says love.
And I am all right.
In this moment.
Which is all we ever
Truly have.
This. Moment.