I love the 23rd Psalm. The whole image of a shepherd leading his flock to where the grass is greenest and the water is cool and fresh. Nothing to fear, just love, peace, and abundance. The psalm is all about finding peace in the midst of chaos.
That is what we have when we draw near to Christ and let Him lead us. When we let Him be our Good Shepherd. If we will take the time every day to quiet ourselves and turn our burdens over to Him, He will lead us in the paths of righteousness and our cup will overflow.
How is that possible? Because God has the big picture. He knows everything that is happening and everything that will happen. And He loves us and wants to guide us. But we have to let Him show us the way.
That requires faith, patience, and trust. In my life, He has always shown up for me. Not always in the way I expected. Or even in the way I might have done it. But the Lord has always come through and the result was better than anything I could have thought of on my own.
Won't you let Him be your Shepherd? Let Him guide you to peace in the midst of chaos.
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