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  • Writer's picturePeggy Medberry

Be Yourself

My grandmother and my mother always had these wise little sayings. And maybe you have heard them before too. But there is something to be said about the little truths we grew up with. Like "Just be yourself." Whatever that means.

I remember in Junior High always worrying about how to fit in or be cool. And my mother would say, "Just be yourself." But I felt like my self was weird, different, and not at all like the regular kids. I was too smart, too day-dreamy, or too silly. I had braces and hair that didn't curl right. I was loud instead of quiet and demure. My laugh was a big guffaw instead of a delicate giggle.

There was a girl named Nola at my school. She was perfect. Really beautiful, intelligent, quiet, poised, elegant. So I tried to act like her one day at school and all my friends kept asking me what was wrong. Was I sick? Had something terrible happened? Why was I so quiet?

That ended my experiment. I couldn't be Nola, even if I tried. Nola was exactly who she was supposed to be and well, I was - me.

Eventually I decided to be the best me I could be. And while that me is still evolving, I have grown to like her on most days. I am still loud, day-dreamy, and still very silly and my laugh has only gotten more boisterous. And Nola? I hear she is happily married, became a lawyer, and later a judge. Perfect for her.

But I, despite not ever feeling like I fit in particularly well, found my way through life. I carved a trail that was exactly me-sized. I found careers that fit me, people who loved me, and a world that accepted my brand of silliness (sometimes). I'm still a dreamer and a laugher and intend to be as long as possible. I am unique and I am sure you are too.

Embrace it. Enjoy your you-ness. There will never be anyone else exactly like you. Teresa of Avila said that we are God's hands and feet. We are. We are God's specific expression of exactly your life and how you relate to the world. How you love those around you. He picked you to be alive at this moment in time, with the gifts and talents you have. The world needs each of us individually and collectively to work together to solve the problems that surround us. Whether that's raising families, teaching, creating, building, designing, planning, praying, or maybe just offering a smile or a drink of water. It doesn't matter how big or small your contribution is, just do it with love.

The world needs you. So stop wasting time and get out there and just be yourself.

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